Events (Laravel Forum 6.x)


Events cover all user interactions and are implemented as standard Laravel Events.

These events are all namespaced under TeamTeaTime\Forum\Events and implement Laravel Broadcasting.

Note that while they cover every CRUD action, you can still use Eloquent Observers to react to events at the model level.

NameDispatches when a user…
UserBulkDeletedPosts…deletes one or more posts via bulk deletion.
UserBulkDeletedThreads…deletes one or more threads via bulk deletion.
UserBulkLockedThreads…locks one or more unlocked threads via bulk locking.
UserBulkMovedThreads…moves one or more threads via bulk moving.
UserBulkPinnedThreads…pins one or more unpinned threads via bulk pinning.
UserBulkReorderedCategories…updates the category tree.
UserBulkRestoredPosts…restores one or more soft-deleted posts via bulk restoring.
UserBulkRestoredThreads…restores one or more soft-deleted threads via bulk restoring.
UserBulkUnlockedThreads…unlocks one or more locked threads via bulk unlocking.
UserBulkUnpinnedThreads…unpins one or more pinned threads via bulk unpinning.
UserCreatedCategory…creates a new category.
UserCreatedPost…creates a new reply to a thread.
UserCreatedThread…creates a new thread (along with its first post).
UserCreatingCategory…views the “create category” page.
UserCreatingPost…views the “create post” (thread reply) page.
UserCreatingThread…views the “create thread” page.
UserDeletedCategory…deletes a single category.
UserDeletedPost…deletes a single post.
UserDeletedThread…deletes a single thread.
UserEditedCategory…edits a category.
UserEditedPost…edits a post.
UserEditingCategory…views the “edit category” page.
UserEditingPost…views the “edit post” page.
UserLockedThread…locks a single thread.
UserMarkedThreadsRead…marks their unread/updated threads as read (optionally limited by category).
UserMovedThread…moves a single thread to a different category.
UserPinnedThread…pins a single unpinned thread.
UserRenamedThread…changes a single thread’s title.
UserReorderingCategories…views the “manage” page (where the category tree can be modified).
UserRestoredPost…restores a single soft-deleted post.
UserRestoredThread…restores a single soft-deleted thread.
UserSearchedPosts…submits a search query for posts.
UserUnlockedThread…unlocks a single locked thread.
UserUnpinnedThread…unpins a single pinned thread.
UserUpdatedCategory…updates a single category.
UserUpdatedPost…updates the content of a single post.
UserViewingCategory…views a category.
UserViewingIndex…views the forum index.
UserViewingPost…views a post.
UserViewingRecent…views recent threads.
UserViewingThread…views a thread.
UserViewingUnread…views their “unread and updated” threads.